
Upon creating your author profile, you acknowledge to follow all current and future rules stated. Any events created or author activity that does not adhere to the rules can be cancelled, have their event stake slashed and/or author profile revoked, including reputation manipulation.

  1. Authors may not create events that have derogatory, racist or harmful language.

  2. Authors must create direct, thoroughly descriptive events to create the absence of doubt about the outcome by utilizing the description field to add necessary specifics about their events.

    1. For example for a Bitcoin price prediction, the title may be: "Will Bitcoin will be above 43k on 3/15?". In the description, you would include which price feed you will be using (Coinbase, Binance, etc) and any other pertinent information needed to prevent doubt in the outcome.

  3. Authors must score their events in an expedient fashion

  4. We recommend all authors join our Discord where we will have author specific channels and where entrants can reach you if they have questions about your events.

Last updated